Friday, November 1, 2013

Here's what I've been up to...Twisting Fate Designs

So Keenan left for a month of training so I'll be hanging out and keeping myself entertained until he returns. I haven't really mentioned it yet, but since a nursing job hasn't really been an option I have started my own "Home Based Business" crocheting. I taught myself how to crochet over Labor Day weekend and then applied for the business permit which got approved toward the end of September. I've actually been really busy taking orders and making custom hats (as in busy enough I'd be getting overtime pay if it was a real job). I'm pretty much booked solid through Christmas and will soon have to start pushing completion estimates to January. It's not a lot of money but at least it's a little extra spending money for us AND it keeps me entertained. My business is called Twisting Fate Designs and the link to my page is I don't think you have to have Facebook to view the page, but I could be wrong on that. You can "like" the page if you want as well! 

Besides crocheting, I volunteer in the Education and Training department of the hospital on base and I've applied to be a substitute school nurse and para at the schools on base. That application process takes a while so hopefully sometime soon I will also have that as something to do as well. One thing is for sure, I don't have a problem being bored.

Here's a few examples of hats that I've made so far (yes, it's a little difficult to make some of them that represent "other" teams, haha) can see lots more of my work at the link above :)

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