Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Random April Adventures of a Bachelorette

As I explained previously, Keenan was gone this month for some training...
I was on the move frequently, checking out cherry blossom festivals, beachcombing and going on drives. I also started substituting at the elementary schools on base as para-educator or nurse. These are a few of the random things I did in addition to those that got their own posts.

April 20th I decided to take a drive in the Shimokita Peninsula. I attempted to go to the Mt. Kamabuse Observatory but the road there was still closed. I got to Lake Osore where Osorezan (Gates of Hell) is located.

From Lake Osore I drove back to Mutsu and then north to follow the northern coast toward Oma.

There were women out in the shallow water collecting
seaweed then laying it out to dry on the steps.
From there it was loaded into big bags and carried away.
The lady in the middle of the picture was carrying a bag of
seaweed. Probably right to a store or restaurant to be sold fresh!
Squid fishing boats, notice the huge light bulbs to attract the squid.
Limited edition McD's sandwich.
Actual chunks of avacado...I'd expected a glop of guac.
My route for 4/20/14.

These are a couple stores in Towada that have funny names. WonderGOO sells cosmetics, Hard Off/Off House is a second hand store.

I had a successful day beach combing on April 26th, went to a couple different locations and took home a couple treasures!

Can you spot the float?
It was a little one!
This one was a little bigger.

After beach combing I decided to check out Japan's largest Statue of Liberty. It's right south of Misawa in Oirase. 

Cherry blossoms on base.
View from our back door.

Misawa Cherry Blossom was definitely the most disappointing of the cherry blossom festivals I attended. Glad that I went to this one last or I may have been discouraged from going to some of the others.

Lanterns illuminated at night.

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