Monday, September 8, 2014

My Parents' Visit - Part 11 - Final Days

Man, how fast time flies! It's already time for Mom and Dad to head back to America. Yesterday was their last full day in Japan. We spent the day getting them organized and doing a last bit of exploring.

We had to go to Hachinohe to get their tickets for a train tomorrow morning bound for Tokyo. After getting that must-do out of the way, we wandered the beach one last time hoping to find a glass float...see below for the results.

I will never get over the pretty cosmos
that grow along the roads.
Hachinohe Station.
Great find Mom! Woohoo!
(No, I did not "plant" this for her to find!)

And today I took them to the train station bright and early. Their ride from Hachinohe to Tokyo was about 3 hours on the Shinkansen (bullet train) and from Tokyo Station they had about a 1 hour train ride on the Narita Express to Narita Airport. From there, they'll have about 16 additional hours of travel until they're home. It sounds awful doesn't it? Well, it's not pleasant, that's for sure. Keenan leaves in a couple of days for a few weeks of training in the USA and I'll be on a plane (hopefully) in about 2 weeks for a visit home too. Crazy, I know, but we'll actually have the opportunity to be together in Nebraska with our families for the first time since we moved. I'm sure I'll write about all of that when the time comes...

Platform at Hachinohe Station.
Narita Express at Tokyo Station.
This means they were able to navigate Tokyo Station
find this platform! Yay! They were a little anxious
about this part of their journey.

Yes, they did make it home safe and sound. Exhausted too, I'm sure. We loved having them here to visit and the opportunity to show them our life in Japan. I think they definitely have have a better appreciation for the things we talk about and the Japanese people and culture that we have grown to love.

Up next: Kitayamazaki Cliffs and all 1,000 stairs it took to see them

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