Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pageant of Starlight (Sendai - Part 2)

This is Part 2 of our adventures in's Part 1

After our yakiniku dinner we walked to Jozenji-dori (street name) to see the Pageant of Starlight. It is Sendai's annual illumination where they use more than 600,000 lights on the trees to "warm the winter" and bring cheer, no relation to Christmas. The lights are on each December from around the 6th through the 31st. Although there are very few Christians in Japan (<1% of the population) Christmas is kind of an unofficial holiday here, but has no Christian backing. It is celebrated more like our Valentine's Day with couples going out together on Christmas Eve. Other popular traditions for Christmas day include exchanging gifts and eating Christmas cake and fried chicken. It's not a day to spend time with the whole family, that is their tradition for New Year's. Just their way of adopting a western tradition even though the meaning/reason for the holiday is lost. 
Anyway...Sendai's illumination is one of Japan's best. It brings lots of tourists to the city. They also have an ice rink, food stands and temporary bars. Unfortunately we were there on a Thursday night so that stuff was not open.

Still puzzled how flowers aren't dead from the cold...
Each tree had its own power source.

After strolling under the lights we went to Kokubuncho which is the entertainment district in Sendai. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of little bars and restaurants in the area.

This was the directory for ONE building...
Going to the bar at the end of the hallway.
Checked out this place that Keenan had heard about...
This was the next place we stopped at...
No English menu and staff didn't speak English.
We both pointed at a random thing on the cocktail list and
got a surprise! Pretty sure we got a Cuba Libre and a
Another stroll through the covered shopping area.

Stopped at a convenience store...check out these typical snacks/foods...yum? Not sure I'm interested in trying any of them!

And finally, these were all over in Sendai. LOVE THEM! Although there are a lot of Japanese people that do smoke I don't really see it much in public places other than in bars or restaurants (with smoking sections). Pretty rare to see someone smoking on the sidewalk or outside of a business. Thought these are great reminders...I won't go into a rant...but if you smoke you should quit!!

 Up next: Matsushima of Japan's Top 3 Views (Sendai - Part 3)

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