Saturday, December 28, 2013

Matsushima of Japan's Top 3 Views (Sendai - Part 3)

This is Part 3 of our Sendai adventure. Here's Part 1 & Part 2

I'm going to start adding GPS coordinates to help people that are interested in finding these locations. I'll go back and add them to past blogs as I have time.

Ok, so we started off today attempting to get to Matsushima Bay. It's northeast of Sendai (yellow & pink markers on the map). GPS coordinates of the nearest train station/parking: 38.368646,141.058957.

We had a little hiccup getting there. Word of advice...Matsushima Station along the Tohoku Main Line is not as close to Matsushima Bay and the tourist stuff as the Matsushimakaigan Station which is on the Senseki Line...oops. We had to do some walking and take another train or two (I can't remember exactly how we ended up getting there) but eventually we did get to Matsushima Bay. In reality I think we only lost about 45 minutes.

The bay has a grouping of around 260 islands covered with pine trees. It is listed as one of Japan's 3 Most Scenic Views. Unfortunately today was overcast so it wasn't very spectacular. The bay was affected by the March 11, 2011 Tohoku Tsunami but the damage was minimal (according to their tourist info).

Monument for Top 3 Scenic Spots of Japan.
Thanks for being specific Google...hallway?
What? We were on a street!

Our first stop along the bay was Oshima Island. The info desk people told us it had just recently reopened after the tsunami damage was repaired (the bridge was destroyed). Oshima Island is a sacred and famous Buddhist island with lots of stone memorial tablets, meditation caves and sculptures.

Being reinforced from tsunami damage.
There are boat cruises in the bay that take you to view
the islands close up. We didn't take the cruise since the
weather was cold, windy and cloudy. Maybe another time!
The boats get chased by seagulls and the passengers feed them.

Next we walked to Godaido, a small temple that was founded in 807 and the most recent building was constructed in 1604. It did not suffer any major damage from the tsunami. "The bridge to Godaido has spaces between the planks to enable walkers to see the surface of the water. So enjoy crossing the bridge with concentration -- if you trip, that means you are not yet qualified to reach the island." We didn't trip!

At least we know where to go...
Crossing with concentration...

Our last stop at Matsushima Bay was Fukuura Island. The island is reached after paying a 200¥ toll to walk across the 252m bridge. The island is a garden with a few hundred different types of plants. Had the skies been clear the views from the observation point at the far side of the island would have been great!

This plant must be really special...
These are always funny!
Just stopping to smell the roses in December!!

From Matsushima Bay we took the train back to Sendai and found some dinner at an Italian restaurant. The restaurant is in the covered shopping area, coordinates: 38.261944,140.87959. There is no English menu, but there are pictures. We had a little miscommunication with our orders. I ordered the set menu exactly as pictured and Keenan ordered just a pasta dish. My salad, drink and soup were delivered and then Keenan's pasta. We waited quite awhile for my pasta thinking it was taking a little longer, but finally asked. They thought we had ordered the set meal with the pasta Keenan had pointed too. Oops! They promptly brought out my pasta and were very apologetic even though it was just as much our fault I'm sure! Food was great and my dessert may have been one of my all time favorites! A little cheesecake with cinnamon/sugar apple and vanilla ice cream on top...YUM!!!

This is the outside of the restaurant.
Keenan's seafood pasta.
My pasta with tomato, mozzarella and pesto.

After dinner we went a couple doors down the street to Kirin Beer Festa. It's in the basement level and to the left of the Italian restaurant if you're facing it. Coordinates: 38.261976,140.879697.

This is the "front" of the restaurant. Actually the top of the
stairs leading down to it.

Our final stop of the night was a place called Vinedome. It was on the way back to the hotel. I loved the light fixtures in this place! The bar was completely packed. They made room for us, kind of. We were literally bellied up to the bar and straddling a trash can. Everything was busy due to people coming to see the Pageant of Starlight. I had a special seasonal drink, homemade hard apple cider (cold). It was pretty good! This place also serves food. Coordinates: 38.26007,140.878135.

I guess we made one final stop. Always gotta stop at a convenience store on the way to the hotel to grab some water and see what other oddities we can find. Here's a couple...

"Relaxing your precious moment
with ROOMY which will cheer up
yourself for bright tomorrow."
Didn't try it because I didn't need cheering up.
This was a Belgian style beer that was
stored with the can upside down.
So when we drank it the label was upside down.

And in our final hours in Sendai we grabbed a quick breakfast at Subway and had to catch our train home. I ordered Subway's special breakfast flatbread with pastrami and eggs. I expected scrambled eggs...what I got was egg salad and a teriyaki type sauce...surprisingly very delicious!

Sendai least part of it...
This is the platform for two of the Shinkansen tracks.
12 & 11 are the track numbers. 
The sign behind that has the arrival times of the next trains (ex: 11:08), 
the train name & number (ex: Hayabusa 9), 
and train destination (ex: Shin-Aomori).
**Take note, the train number will not match the platform number!
(No, we did not mess that up, just passing it along)

Up next: NYE & some options at the grocery store...

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