Saturday, October 25, 2014

2 Years?? Cotton & China

Somehow it's already been 2 years since we said our I Do's!

While our time together is definitely not how or where we imagined it would be, we have also grown closer than I think either of us anticipated. During our second year of marriage we spent over 2 months apart (absolutely not by choice), we've explored more and more of Japan, tried and failed to go to Alaska and are now preparing for a deployment which will mean spending more time apart than together during the next year.
We celebrated a week late due me traveling back to Japan on our anniversary and Keenan not returning from the USA until a couple days later. In keeping with the tradition we started last year, we enjoyed a couple hours of all you can eat and drink at a local yakiniku restaurant. As for gifts, we're kept with that tradition too and gave each other stuff with the yearly theme, and according to Hallmark, the second anniversary is either cotton or china.

Hoping that they don't explode and spray
boiling liquid out...let's just say it's
a legit fear...
When we ordered 2 glasses of wine
for after dinner and we got an entire
PLASTIC bottle and only had
15 minutes left in our reservation...

One of my gifts from Keenan, it does
contain a percentage of cotton.

Up next: Rokkasho Salmon Festival

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