Monday, October 20, 2014

Didn't think I'd do this again in 2014...'Merica!

Yup, headed back to America last month! Never thought I'd make more than one trip this year, realistically I thought I'd only make about one trip back to the USA the entire time we are living in Japan. This was definitely a trip of opportunity, and if it wasn't for Space-A flights I wouldn't have gone. Keenan had a few weeks of training stateside so I decided to "hop" back and spend some time there too. After his training was complete we actually got to meet up and spend a few days together with our families before I headed back to Japan. Keenan spent another week getting in some hunting and family time before he followed me.

I got to spend tons of quality time with my parents (why yes, they did just visit us in Japan a short 3 weeks ago), siblings, nieces and nephews, both grandmas, had lunch and dinner dates with friends, crocheted, shopped and ate all the foods I missed. It was a great trip! 

Short lived crochet lessons. We'll try again when they're older!

Got to watch gymnastics practice!

And drive through the sandhills to visit Keenan's parents.

Spent an afternoon gaming for my nephew's birthday!

Hats in school colors, plus one ninja turtle...

I got to check out some basketball games too.

Got to help celebrate another birthday and before the party started Keenan helped write out a contract. He gave some money toward a car fund and in exchange he gets the third ride in the future car (after parents and girlfriend, obviously). Keenan also got his hair done (I don't think there was a bow or clip left in the house unused, haha) and Spiderman made an appearance!

In addition to the staples, (Valentino's, Chipotle, Runza (multiple times), Lazlo's, Amigo's, Chick-fil-a, BLUE and others I can't remember right off hand) I also experienced Springfield, Illinois' specialty, The Horseshoe. A "shoe" is Texas toast topped with your choice of meat (I went with the traditional pork cutlet), topped by french fries, topped by cheese sauce. Wow, there's not much that can be said other than it was pretty good, but next time I'll request my cheese on the side, soggy fries are no bueno.

Americanized sushi rolls at BLUE. Nothing like
these available anywhere I've been in Japan.
Not saying the stuff in Japan isn't awesome, but
I've missed these crab and cream cheese concoctions.
The infamous "shoe."

I spent a few hours riding with Dad while he hauled grain to the elevator, took in the sites and fall colors around the lake as we drove past. 

Lunch date with gal pals!

As I said above it was a great trip, and I'm already planning another trip back next year. Another trip of opportunity, this time to help pass time while Keenan is deployed for several months...
But it's great to be back in Japan and we've got plenty of adventures planned during what's left of our time here (now less than 2 years...I don't even know how that's possible, time is going sooooo quickly).

Up next: Fall Foliage of Oirase Gorge and Lake Towada

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