Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lake Towada & Oirase Gorge (first visit)

Well, we hadn't planned on doing anything today, but the weather outside was looking great (warm, no fog, no rain!) so I convinced Keenan that we should go check out Lake Towada and on the way we would drive through Oirase Gorge. And the weather ended up being amazing, around 80 and mostly sunny and clear! The weather guys are no more accurate here...

Here's a map to see where we went. We drove to the lake then around it counterclockwise. Oirase Gorge is right before the lake.

Driving there through the Oirase Gorge was pretty crazy. There were cars/people everywhere! The gorge is the only river that empties Lake Towada and the road runs right along side it. The road was very narrow and curvy and people were just pulling over (but there was no shoulder, so really just stopping in the road) wherever they wanted and putting on their hazard lights. Keenan definitely had to keep his eyes on the road. There are several waterfalls and a hiking trail along the gorge.

Tried to take a picture of the rice paddies as we drove by.
This is a wide area of road in the gorge
where cars were pulled over everywhere.
One example of how they have tried to stabilize the mountainside.
First glimpse of the lake from up in the mountains.
The road we'd just driven up, lots of very sharp switchbacks.
Wondering what the road says...slow down maybe?
There was a curve coming up.
Keenan with the "Soob."
The history of the lake.
Volcanic eruption, lake, another eruption and then deeper lake.
The red writing on the map is where this look out was.
No idea what this says...
The look out tower.
Every view was amazing!
A "biker gang" we saw, they're all riding Vespa's!
(a couple of them saw me taking their picture and waved/peace signs/laughed)
I was trying to capture how much the weeds were growing onto the road,
I had to keep my window up so I wouldn't get slapped by them.
Lots of tunnels.
The water was so clear!
A few little fish.
Water looked turquoise.
I wanted to rent one of these swan paddle boats,
but not sure they were still able to float...
Bought this from a vending machine
thinking it was tea...soooo wrong...
it tasted burned, burned what I'm not sure,
just burned. I think it may be some sort of roasted tea...
Stopping to eat our lunch.
Another map, red writing is where we were.
Japanese toilet...
I know some may think this is disgusting...
sorry, but I'm sure it won't be the last 
bathroom pic I take while here...
We went from wondering if the water was safe
to swim in to him saying it didn't taste too bad...
Fun little stone shelf we decided to check out.
I'm standing on the bridge...
This was the path we took down to the water.

Oirase Gorge...we stopped to look at it on our way back to Misawa. There were way less cars and people in the afternoon than there had been in the morning.

Tried to get a pic of the garden,
the shrubs are shaped like birds and dinosaurs.
Field with people working.
These kids are really excited about their rice!
I think this sign is funny the cat is so fat,
but still smaller than the tiny puppy.

Coming up next...Keenan goes to work while I set up our house and stuff...

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