Friday, June 21, 2013

Pit Stop in Seattle...Day 1

Our flight to Japan was scheduled for June 23 out of Seattle. We decided to go to Seattle a couple days early for a mini vacation. Well needed after the whirlwind month we had just had. We'd been living out of suitcases since May 28 and had been homeless (staying somewhere new almost every night) since June 7. We left Omaha on Thursday June 20 on an 8:30pm flight. We arrived in Seattle around 11:30pm local time after a flight next to an extremely annoying quote Keenan's facebook status on the matter, "To the Lady on the plane we sat by last we don't want to talk to you, that's why my headphones are in and I'm reading a magazine and Sarah is sleeping. No we don't want to be Facebook friends. No we don't want to meet up while in Seattle. No we don't care you sell organic pet food on the internet for $600/month. And no, we don't want to meet in Japan when you spend all the sweet cheddar you're making in less than 6 months." Unfortunately, even the drinks we had didn't make it more tolerable. We were staying at the Hilton that was basically across the street from SeaTac Airport, so at least the shuttle ride there was quick.
Crazy clouds on the way to Denver
The moon
Keeping busy making a boat...
Looks just like the picture!

Day 1...

Of course I couldn't sleep in, I never can when I've got an adventure planned out. Even if I didn't know exactly where we were going I knew that the first step was getting Keenan out of the hotel and onto the train. The train was pretty simple and so was buying tickets after I realized that the slot for dollar bills would not take my credit card...sigh...the slots were right next to each other. After a 45 minute ride from the farthest south station to the farthest north station we made it from SeaTac to downtown Seattle. First stop on my list was Pike Place Market. First stop on Keenan's list was finding food...shocking, right? We wandered around a bit and decided to get a bowl of clam chowder as a snack/breakfast. Bought it at Sound View Café.

Clam chowder #1

 After a snack we were off to explore the market. We found Rachel the pig, watched the flying fish, admired the flower and vegetable stands, sampled fruits and tried to find number 2 on my list the gum wall...

Before we could find it somebody was hungry again...we hadn't intended to eat only clam chowder that day, but we found ourselves next to Pike Place Chowder, there was a long line and when I looked it up it had the highest Yelp rating in the we had to try it. Keenan had the classic New England Clam Chowder and a Dungeness Crab Roll, I had a sampler of 4 different chowders. I tried the Smoked Salmon Chowder (my least favorite), Southwestern Chicken & Corn Chowder, Seafood Bisque and Seared Scallop Chowder (the last 3 were all really my opinion). Here's the link to the menu if you're curious what's in those delicious concoctions 
So in case you weren't keeping track that was 6 kinds of chowder we tried in one day!

 After lunch we went off to explore the waterfront and then to find the gum wall. The weather was gorgeous, sunny and 70's! No rain!

We thought this was funny..."fix ma door"
Our first glimpse of the Space Needle
cool bike rack
Almost to the gum wall
Found it!
Our contributions
This was right before it broke and got stuck in my hair...
He added a penny to his
After checking out the gum wall we stopped at a brewery and wandered the market some more before we headed toward the Space Needle. We stopped along the way for a snack of cheese curds and at a winery (that I forgot to take a picture of).

Got a pic of a flying fish in the air!
A different fish vendor
This was a cheese store, we were able to watch them make curds through the windows
So many beautiful cheap bouquets to choose from!
Finally picked one out...
Gorgeous! Thanks K! :)
Random goats under this overpass
This was part of the sculpture park
This beach was a "sculpture" too
sidewalk art

We had walked all over downtown Seattle by this time and I had at least 6 blisters, one was about the size of a quarter. We were a good distance from downtown so we caught a bus and rode that to this brewery...
Last stop of the day...Pyramid Brewery, maker of the Apricot Ale I've loved for a couple years!
Waiting for the tired, I fell asleep on the train!
 A great first day in Seattle, saw a lot, walked a lot...on the agenda for day 2? Space Needle and ferry ride!

In case you're curious, here's a map of Seattle with some of our stops marked:

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