Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pit Stop in Seattle...Day 2

Day 2...
We started this day off the same as the day before, hopped on the train and headed downtown. We were a little later getting there, 10am or so, and the time change was starting to affect us most when it came to eating schedules. We were starving. After some excessive wandering and Keenan being very annoyed we finally decided to get gyros from the Falafel King. They were just ok. From there we walked through part of the market we hadn't seen the day before and then caught the monorail (would have been nice to know about yesterday when my blisters were making it so painful to walk) to the Space Needle.

Space Needle
View from the elevator on the way up
Looking south toward downtown and Mt Ranier
Northwest toward the sound

 After the Needle we took the monorail back downtown and bought tickets for the ferry to take us to Bainbridge Island. We didn't really find much to do on the island, only a few places were within walking distance. If we'd had a car I'm sure we would have enjoyed it much more. We had ice cream and stopped at a couple wineries before riding back to Seattle.

Glad I wore flip flops today, but my feet were still a mess from yesterday
Close up of my giant blister, not right by my finger, but on my heel
Getting to Bainbridge Island
Mora Iced Creamery, the line was long and out the door
I got Lemon Bar ice cream, yum!
Seattle skyline
trying not to blow away!

We ate dinner at Ivar's Acres of Clams. Keenan had the king crab that had been on his mind, I had a grilled trio of prawns, halibut and salmon.

I left him at the restaurant and basically ran down the street to catch the sunset...sorry for so many pictures, but I thought it was pretty amazing (and this is not nearly all the pics I took).

Can see the sun reflecting off the peak of Mt Ranier
Where did all the flowers go?!?

Another great day in Seattle! Here's the link again if you're curious where these places were:,-122.436619&spn=0.083439,0.209255

And tomorrow I begin the longest day of my life...literally...

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